kyosu v0.1.0
Complex Without Complexes
No Matches
Cayley-Dickson constants

non real constants More...


constexpr tags::callable_abs kyosu::abs = {}
 Computes the absolute value of the parameter.
constexpr tags::callable_acos kyosu::acos = {}
 Computes the acosine of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_acosh kyosu::acosh = {}
 Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_acospi kyosu::acospi = {}
 Computes the arc cosine of the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_acot kyosu::acot = {}
 Computes the arc cotangent of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_acoth kyosu::acoth = {}
 Computes the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_acotpi kyosu::acotpi = {}
 Computes the arc cotangent of the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_acsc kyosu::acsc = {}
 Computes the arccosecant of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_acsch kyosu::acsch = {}
 Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_acscpi kyosu::acscpi = {}
 Computes the arc cosecant of the argume!nt in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_arg kyosu::arg = {}
constexpr tags::callable_asec kyosu::asec = {}
 Computes the arcsecant of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_asech kyosu::asech = {}
 Computes the inverse hyperbolic secant of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_asecpi kyosu::asecpi = {}
 Computes the arc secant of the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_asin kyosu::asin = {}
 Computes the arcsine of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_asinh kyosu::asinh = {}
 Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_asinpi kyosu::asinpi = {}
 Computes the arc sine of the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_associator kyosu::associator = {}
 Computes the associator of the three parameters.
constexpr tags::callable_atan kyosu::atan = {}
 Computes the arctangent of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_atanh kyosu::atanh = {}
 Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_atanpi kyosu::atanpi = {}
 Computes the arc tangent of the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_average kyosu::average = {}
 Computes the average of the parameters.
constexpr tags::callable_beta kyosu::beta = {}
 Computes the beta function: \(\displaystyle \mathbf{B}(x, y) = \frac{\Gamma(x)\Gamma(y)}{\Gamma(x+y)}\) for real or complex entries.
constexpr tags::callable_ceil kyosu::ceil = {}
 Computes the ceil value.
constexpr tags::callable_commutator kyosu::commutator = {}
 Computes the commutator of the two parameters.
constexpr tags::callable_complex kyosu::complex = {}
 Constructs a kyosu::complex.
constexpr tags::callable_conj kyosu::conj = {}
 Computes the conjugate value.
constexpr tags::callable_convert kyosu::convert = {}
 convert to a target typek
constexpr tags::callable_cos kyosu::cos = {}
 Computes the cosine of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_cosh kyosu::cosh = {}
 Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_cospi kyosu::cospi = {}
 Computes the cosine from the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_cot kyosu::cot = {}
 Computes the cotangent of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_coth kyosu::coth = {}
 Computes the hyperbolic cotangent of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_cotpi kyosu::cotpi = {}
 Computes the cotangent from the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_csc kyosu::csc = {}
 Computes the cosecant of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_csch kyosu::csch = {}
 Computes the hyperbolic cosecant of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_cscpi kyosu::cscpi = {}
 Computes the cosecant from the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_h1 kyosu::cyl_bessel_h1 = {}
 Computes the Bessel functions of the third kind \(H^{(1)}\),.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_h12 kyosu::cyl_bessel_h12 = {}
 Computes the Bessel functions of the third kind \( H^{(1)} \) and \( H^{(2)} \),.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_h1_0 kyosu::cyl_bessel_h1_0 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function of the third kind, \( H^{(1)}_0(x)\),.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_h1_1 kyosu::cyl_bessel_h1_1 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function of the third kind, \( H^{(1)}_1(x)\),.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_h1n kyosu::cyl_bessel_h1n = {}
 Computes the Bessel/Hankel functions of the third kind, \( H_n^{(1)}(z) = J_n(z)+iY_n(z)\).
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_h2 kyosu::cyl_bessel_h2 = {}
 Computes the Bessel functions of the third kind \( H^{(2)}_\nu \),.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_h2_0 kyosu::cyl_bessel_h2_0 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function of the third kind, \( H^{(2)}_0(x)\).
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_h2_1 kyosu::cyl_bessel_h2_1 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function of the third kind, \( H^{(2)}_1(x)\),.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_h2n kyosu::cyl_bessel_h2n = {}
 Computes the Bessel/Hankel functions of the third kind , \( H_n^{(2)} = J_n(z)-iY_n(z)\).
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_i kyosu::cyl_bessel_i = {}
 Computes the Modified Bessel functions of the first kind.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_i0 kyosu::cyl_bessel_i0 = {}
 Computes the modified Bessel function of the first kind \(I_{0}(x)=J_{0}(ix)\) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_i1 kyosu::cyl_bessel_i1 = {}
 Computes the modified Bessel function of the first kind, \( I_1(x)= iJ_1(ix) \) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_ik kyosu::cyl_bessel_ik = {}
 Computes the modified Bessel functions \(I\) and \(K\),.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_ikn kyosu::cyl_bessel_ikn = {}
 Computes the Bessel functions of the second kind \(I\) and \(K \)of integral order,.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_in kyosu::cyl_bessel_in = {}
 Computes the modified Bessel functions of the first kind \(I_{n}(x)=i^{-n}J_{n }(ix)\), extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_j kyosu::cyl_bessel_j = {}
 Computes the Bessel functions of the first kind, \( J_{\nu}(x)=\sum_{p=0}^{\infty}{\frac{(-1)^p}{p!\,\Gamma (p+\nu +1)}} {\left({x \over 2}\right)}^{2p+\nu }\) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson values.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_j0 kyosu::cyl_bessel_j0 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function of the first kind, \( J_0(x)=\frac1{\pi }\int _{0}^{\pi}\cos(x\sin \tau) \,\mathrm {d} \tau \) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_j1 kyosu::cyl_bessel_j1 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function of the first kind, \( J_1\).
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_jn kyosu::cyl_bessel_jn = {}
 Computes the Bessel functions of the first kind, \( J_{n}(x)=\sum_{p=0}^{\infty}{\frac{(-1)^p}{p!\,\Gamma (p+n +1)}} {\left({x \over 2}\right)}^{2p+n }\) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson values.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_k kyosu::cyl_bessel_k = {}
 Computes the Modified Bessel functions of the second kind.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_k0 kyosu::cyl_bessel_k0 = {}
 Computes the modified Bessel function of the second kind, \( K_0(x)=\lim_{\alpha\to 0}{\frac {\pi }{2}}{\frac {I_{-\alpha }(x)-I_{\alpha }(x)}{\sin \alpha \pi }}\). extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson values.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_k1 kyosu::cyl_bessel_k1 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function of the second kind, \( K_1(x)\lim_{\alpha\to 1}{\frac {\pi }{2}}{\frac {I_{-\alpha }(x)-I_{\alpha }(x)}{\sin \alpha \pi }}\) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson values.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_kn kyosu::cyl_bessel_kn = {}
 Computes the modified Bessel functions of the second kind, \( K_{n}(x)=\lim_{\alpha\to n}{\frac {\pi }{2}}{\frac {I_{-\alpha }(x)-I_{\alpha }(x)}{\sin \alpha \pi }}\). extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_y kyosu::cyl_bessel_y = {}
 Computes the Bessel functions of the second kind,.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_y0 kyosu::cyl_bessel_y0 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function of the second kind, \( Y_0(x)=\lim_{\alpha\to 0}{{\frac {J_{\alpha }(x)\cos(\alpha\pi)-J_{-\alpha }(x)}{\sin(\alpha\pi)}}}\), extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_y1 kyosu::cyl_bessel_y1 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function of the second kind, \( Y_1(x)=\lim_{\alpha\to 1}{{\frac {J_{\alpha }(x)\cos(\alpha\pi)-J_{-\alpha }(x)}{\sin(\alpha\pi)}}}\), extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_cyl_bessel_yn kyosu::cyl_bessel_yn = {}
 Computes the modified Bessel functions of the second kind, \( Y_n(x)=\lim_{\alpha\to n}{{\frac {J_{\alpha }(x)\cos(\alpha\pi)-J_{-\alpha }(x)}{\sin(\alpha\pi)}}}\), extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_dec kyosu::dec = {}
 decrements the argument by 1.
constexpr tags::callable_deta kyosu::deta = {}
 Computes the Dirichlet sums \( \displaystyle \sum_{n = 0}^\infty \frac{(-1)^n}{(kn+1)^z}\).
constexpr tags::callable_digamma kyosu::digamma = {}
 Computes the Digamma function i.e. the logarithmic derivative of the \(\Gamma\) function.
constexpr tags::callable_dist kyosu::dist = {}
 Computes the distance between the two parameters.
constexpr tags::callable_dot kyosu::dot = {}
 Computes elementwise the dot product of the coordinates of the corresponding element.
constexpr tags::callable_erf kyosu::erf = {}
 Computes the error function: \( \displaystyle \mbox{erf}(x)=\frac{2}{\sqrt\pi}\int_0^{x} e^{-t^2}\mbox{d}t\) or its extension to complex and general cayley-dickson values.
constexpr tags::callable_erfcx kyosu::erfcx = {}
 Computes the normalized complementary error function \( \displaystyle \mbox{erfcx}(x) = e^{x^2} \mbox{erfc}(x)\).
constexpr tags::callable_erfi kyosu::erfi = {}
 Callable object computing The imaginary error function \( \displaystyle \mathrm{erfi}(z) = -i\mathrm{erf}(iz)\).
constexpr tags::callable_eta kyosu::eta = {}
 Computes the Dirichlet sum \( \displaystyle \sum_0^\infty \frac{(-1)^n}{(n+1)^z}\). Sometimes this function is for obvious reasons called the alternative \(\zeta\) function .
constexpr tags::callable_exp kyosu::exp = {}
 Computes the exponential of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_exp10 kyosu::exp10 = {}
 Computes the base 10 exponential of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_exp2 kyosu::exp2 = {}
 Computes the base 2 exponential of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_exp_i kyosu::exp_i = {}
 Computes the exponential of i times the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_exp_ipi kyosu::exp_ipi = {}
 Computes the exponential of \(i\pi\) times the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_expm1 kyosu::expm1 = {}
 Computes the exponential of the argument minus 1.
constexpr tags::callable_expmx2 kyosu::expmx2 = {}
 Computes the exponential of the opposite of the squared argument.
constexpr tags::callable_expx2 kyosu::expx2 = {}
 Computes the exponential of the squared argument.
constexpr tags::callable_faddeeva kyosu::faddeeva = {}
 Callable object computing \(e^{-z^2}\mathrm{erfc}(-iz)\) the scaled complex error func.
constexpr tags::callable_fam kyosu::fam = {}
 Computes fused add multiply.
constexpr tags::callable_floor kyosu::floor = {}
 Computes the floor value.
constexpr tags::callable_fma kyosu::fma = {}
 Computes fused multiply add.
constexpr tags::callable_fms kyosu::fms = {}
 Computes fused multiply add.
constexpr tags::callable_fnma kyosu::fnma = {}
 Computes fused negate multiply add.
constexpr tags::callable_fnms kyosu::fnms = {}
 Computes fused negate multiply sub.
constexpr tags::callable_frac kyosu::frac = {}
 Computes the frac value.
constexpr tags::callable_from_angle_axis kyosu::from_angle_axis = {}
 Callable object computing an an unitary quaternion from an angle value and a 3 dimensionnal axis vector.
constexpr tags::callable_fsm kyosu::fsm = {}
 Computes fused sub multiply.
constexpr tags::callable_horner kyosu::horner = {}
 Implement the horner scheme to evaluate polynomials.
constexpr tags::callable_hypot kyosu::hypot = {}
 Callable object computing the hypot operation.
constexpr tags::callable_i kyosu::i = {}
 Computes the complex number cinf i.e. complex(nan, inf) in the chosen type.
constexpr tags::callable_if_else kyosu::if_else = {}
 Select a value between two arguments based on a logical mask.
constexpr tags::callable_ipart kyosu::imag = {}
 Alias for ipart.
constexpr tags::callable_inc kyosu::inc = {}
 Increments the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_ipart kyosu::ipart = {}
 Extracts the imaginary part of a value.
constexpr tags::callable_is_denormal kyosu::is_denormal = {}
 test if the parameter is denormal.
constexpr tags::callable_is_equal kyosu::is_equal = {}
 retuen true if and only if the two parameters are equal.
constexpr tags::callable_is_eqz kyosu::is_eqz = {}
 test the parameter for equality to zero.
constexpr tags::callable_is_finite kyosu::is_finite = {}
 test if the parameter is finite.
constexpr tags::callable_is_pure kyosu::is_imag = {}
 alias of is_pure
constexpr tags::callable_is_infinite kyosu::is_infinite = {}
 test if the parameter is infinite.
constexpr tags::callable_is_nan kyosu::is_nan = {}
 test if the parameter is nan.
constexpr tags::callable_is_nez kyosu::is_nez = {}
 test the parameter for non zero equality.
constexpr tags::callable_is_not_denormal kyosu::is_not_denormal = {}
 test if the parameter is not denormal.
constexpr tags::callable_is_not_equal kyosu::is_not_equal = {}
 return true if and only if the two parameters are not equal.
constexpr tags::callable_is_not_finite kyosu::is_not_finite = {}
 test if the parameter is not finite.
constexpr tags::callable_is_not_infinite kyosu::is_not_infinite = {}
 test if the parameter is not infinite.
constexpr tags::callable_is_not_nan kyosu::is_not_nan = {}
 test if the parameter is not a Nan.
constexpr tags::callable_is_not_real kyosu::is_not_real = {}
 test if the parameter is not_real.
constexpr tags::callable_is_pure kyosu::is_pure = {}
 test if the parameter is pure.
constexpr tags::callable_is_real kyosu::is_real = {}
 test if the parameter is real.
constexpr tags::callable_is_unitary kyosu::is_unitary = {}
 test if the parameter is unitary (absolute value one).
constexpr tags::callable_jpart kyosu::jpart = {}
 Extracts the \(j\) part of a value.
constexpr tags::callable_kpart kyosu::kpart = {}
 Extracts the \(k\) part of a value.
constexpr tags::callable_lambda kyosu::lambda = {}
 Callable object computing The Dirichlet \( \displaystyle \lambda(z) = \sum_0^\infty \frac{1}{(2n+1)^z}\).
constexpr tags::callable_lbeta kyosu::lbeta = {}
 Computes the natural logarithm of the lbeta function.
constexpr tags::callable_ldiv kyosu::ldiv = {}
 Computes the left division of the two parameters.
constexpr tags::callable_lerp kyosu::lerp = {}
 Computes the linear interpolation.
constexpr tags::callable_lipart kyosu::lipart = {}
 Extracts the li (sixth) part of a value.
constexpr tags::callable_ljpart kyosu::ljpart = {}
 Extracts the lj (seventh) part of a value.
constexpr tags::callable_lkpart kyosu::lkpart = {}
 Extracts the lk (eighth) part of a value.
constexpr tags::callable_log kyosu::log = {}
 Computes the natural logarithm of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_log10 kyosu::log10 = {}
 Computes the base 10 logarithm of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_log1p kyosu::log1p = {}
 Computes the natural logarithm of the argument plus 1.
constexpr tags::callable_log2 kyosu::log2 = {}
 Computes the base 2 logarithm of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_log_abs kyosu::log_abs = {}
 Computes the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_log_abs_gamma kyosu::log_abs_gamma = {}
 Computes the log of the modulus of the \(\Gamma\) function of the parameter.
constexpr tags::callable_log_gamma kyosu::log_gamma = {}
 Computes the log of the \(\Gamma\) function.
constexpr tags::callable_lpart kyosu::lpart = {}
 Extracts the l (fifth) part of a value.
constexpr tags::callable_lpnorm kyosu::lpnorm = {}
 Callable object computing the lpnorm operation \( \left(\sum_{i = 0}^n |x_i|^p\right)^{\frac1p} \).
constexpr tags::callable_lrising_factorial kyosu::lrising_factorial = {}
 Computes the lrising_factorial function: \(\log\frac{\Gamma(x+y)}{\Gamma(x)}\).
constexpr tags::callable_manhattan kyosu::manhattan = {}
 Callable object computing the manhattan operation.
constexpr tags::callable_maxabs kyosu::maxabs = {}
 Callable object computing the maxabs operation.
constexpr tags::callable_maxmag kyosu::maxmag = {}
 Callable object computing the maxmag operation.
constexpr tags::callable_minabs kyosu::minabs = {}
 Callable object computing the minabs operation.
constexpr tags::callable_minmag kyosu::minmag = {}
 Callable object computing the minmag operation.
constexpr tags::callable_minus kyosu::minus = {}
 Computes the opposite value.
constexpr tags::callable_muli kyosu::muli = {}
 Computes the value of the parameter multiplied by i on the left side. For real complex and quaternion the computation is an optimization over the call to * operator.
constexpr tags::callable_mulmi kyosu::mulmi = {}
 Computes the value of the parameter multiplied by i on the left side. For real complex and quaternion the computation is an optimization over the call to * operator.
constexpr tags::callable_nearest kyosu::nearest = {}
 Computes the nearest value.
constexpr tags::callable_negmaxabs kyosu::negmaxabs = {}
 Callable object computing the negmaxabs operation.
constexpr tags::callable_negminabs kyosu::negminabs = {}
 Callable object computing the negminabs operation.
constexpr tags::callable_oneminus kyosu::oneminus = {}
 Computes the value one minus the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_pow kyosu::pow = {}
 Computes the computing the pow operation \(x^y\).
constexpr tags::callable_pow1p kyosu::pow1p = {}
 Computes the computing the pow1p operation \((x+1)^y\).
constexpr tags::callable_pow_abs kyosu::pow_abs = {}
 Computes the computing the pow_abs operation \(|x|^y\).
constexpr tags::callable_powm1 kyosu::powm1 = {}
 Computes the computing the powm1 operation \(x^y-1\).
constexpr tags::callable_proj kyosu::proj = {}
 Callable object computing proj(x), the projection of the cayley_dickson number z onto the (hyper) Riemann sphere.
constexpr tags::callable_pure kyosu::pure = {}
 Extracts the imaginary part of a value.
constexpr tags::callable_quaternion kyosu::quaternion = {}
 Constructs a kyosu::quaternion.
constexpr tags::callable_radinpi kyosu::radinpi = {}
 Computes the parameter divided by \(\pi\).
constexpr tags::callable_real kyosu::real = {}
 Extracts the real part of a value.
constexpr tags::callable_rec kyosu::rec = {}
 Computes the inverse of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_reldist kyosu::reldist = {}
 Computes the relative distance between the two parameters.
constexpr tags::callable_reverse_horner kyosu::reverse_horner = {}
 Implement the reverse_horner scheme to evaluate polynomials.
constexpr tags::callable_right_horner kyosu::right_horner = {}
 Implement the right_horner scheme to evaluate polynomials.
constexpr tags::callable_right_reverse_horner kyosu::right_reverse_horner = {}
 Implement the right_reverse_horner scheme to evaluate polynomials.
constexpr tags::callable_rising_factorial kyosu::rising_factorial = {}
 Computes the rising_factorial function: \(\frac{\Gamma(x+y)}{\Gamma(x)}\).
constexpr tags::callable_sec kyosu::sec = {}
 Computes the secant of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_sech kyosu::sech = {}
 Computes the hyperbolic secant of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_secpi kyosu::secpi = {}
 Computes the secant of the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_sign kyosu::sign = {}
 Computes tne normalized value z/abs(z) if z is not zero else 0.
constexpr tags::callable_sin kyosu::sin = {}
 Computes the sine of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_sinc kyosu::sinc = {}
 Computes the sine cardinal of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_sincos kyosu::sincos = {}
 Computes simultaneously the sine and cosine of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_sinh kyosu::sinh = {}
 Computes the hyperbolic sine of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_sinhc kyosu::sinhc = {}
 Computes the hyperbolic sine cardinal of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_sinhcosh kyosu::sinhcosh = {}
 Computes simultaneously the hyperbolic sine and cosine of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_sinpi kyosu::sinpi = {}
 Computes the sine of the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_sinpicospi kyosu::sinpicospi = {}
 Computes simultaneously the sine and cosine of the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_slerp kyosu::slerp = {}
 Computes the spherical interpolation between unitary quaternions.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_h1_0 kyosu::sph_bessel_h1_0 = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel/hankel functions of the third kind, \( h_0^{(1)}(z) = j_1(z)+iy_1(z)\).
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_h1_1 kyosu::sph_bessel_h1_1 = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel/hankel functions of the third kind, \( h_1^{(1)}(z) = j_1(z)+iy_1(z)\).
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_h1n kyosu::sph_bessel_h1n = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel/hankel functions of the third kind, \( h_n^{(1)}(z) = j_n(z)+iy_n(z)\).
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_h2_0 kyosu::sph_bessel_h2_0 = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel/hankel functions of the third kind, \( h_0^{(2)}(z) = j_0(z)-iy_0(z)\).
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_h2_1 kyosu::sph_bessel_h2_1 = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel/hankel functions of the third kind, \( h_1^{(2)}(z) = j_1(z)-iy_1(z)\).
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_h2n kyosu::sph_bessel_h2n = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel/hankel functions of the third kind, \( h_n^{(2)}(z) = j_n(z)-iy_n(z)\).
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_i1_0 kyosu::sph_bessel_i1_0 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function, \( i_0^{(1)}(z) = j_n(iz)\) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_i1_1 kyosu::sph_bessel_i1_1 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function, \( i_1^{(1)}(z) = -i j_1(iz)\) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_i1n kyosu::sph_bessel_i1n = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel functions \( i_n^{(1)}(z) = i^{-n}j_n(iz)\).
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_i2_0 kyosu::sph_bessel_i2_0 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function, \( i_0^{(2)}(z) = -i y_n(iz)\) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_i2_1 kyosu::sph_bessel_i2_1 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function, \( i_1^{(2)}(z) = -y_1(iz)\) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_i2n kyosu::sph_bessel_i2n = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel functions \( i_n^{(2)}(z) = i^{-n-1}y_n(iz)\).
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_j0 kyosu::sph_bessel_j0 = {}
 Computes the Bessel function of the first kind, \( j_0(x)=\sin z/z \) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_jn kyosu::sph_bessel_jn = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel functions of the first kind \(j_{n}(x)\), extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_k0 kyosu::sph_bessel_k0 = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel function of the first kind, \( k_0(x)= \pi e^{-z}/(2z) \) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_k1 kyosu::sph_bessel_k1 = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel function of the first kind, \( k_1(x)= (\pi/2) e^{-z}(1/z+1/z^2)\) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_kn kyosu::sph_bessel_kn = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel functions \(k_{n}(x)\), extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_y0 kyosu::sph_bessel_y0 = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel function of the first kind, \( y_0(x)=\cos z/z \) extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sph_bessel_yn kyosu::sph_bessel_yn = {}
 Computes the spherical Bessel functions of the first kind \(y_{n}(x)\), extended to the complex plane and cayley_dickson algebras.
constexpr tags::callable_sqr kyosu::sqr = {}
 Computes the square value.
constexpr tags::callable_sqr_abs kyosu::sqr_abs = {}
 Computes the squared absolute value of the parameter.
constexpr tags::callable_sqrt kyosu::sqrt = {}
 Computes a square root value.
constexpr tags::callable_tan kyosu::tan = {}
 Computes the tangent of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_tanh kyosu::tanh = {}
 Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the argument.
constexpr tags::callable_tanpi kyosu::tanpi = {}
 Computes the tangent of the argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr tags::callable_tgamma kyosu::tgamma = {}
 Computes \(\Gamma(z)\)r.
constexpr tags::callable_trunc kyosu::trunc = {}
 Computes the trunc value.
constexpr tags::callable_zeta kyosu::zeta = {}
 Computes the Riemann \( \displaystyle\zeta(z)=\sum_0^\infty \frac{1}{(n+1)^z}\).
constexpr tags::callable_airy kyosu::airy = {}
 Computes simultaneously the airy functions \(Ai\) and \(Bi\).