No Matches
eve::keep_first Struct Reference

Conditional expression selecting the k first lanes from a eve::simd_value. More...

#include <eve/conditional.hpp>

Detailed Description

Required header: #include <eve/conditional.hpp>

Public Member Functions

constexpr keep_first (std::ptrdiff_t n) noexcept
 Construct an eve::relative_conditional_expr that will keep the n first lanes.
template<typename V >
constexpr auto else_ (V const &v) const
 Extends a conditional expression with an alternative value.
template<typename T >
as_logical_t< T > mask (eve::as< T > tgt) const
 Computes the eve::logical_value associated to the current conditional.
constexpr bool friend operator== (keep_first const &, keep_first const &)=default
 Checks equality between two eve::keep_first instances.
template<typename T >
constexpr auto count (eve::as< T > const &) const
 Number of lanes to be left unmasked.


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, keep_first const &c)
 Inserts a eve::keep_first conditional expression into a output stream.