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eve::algo::soa_vector< Type, Allocator > Class Template Reference

SIMD-aware container for product types. More...

#include <eve/module/algo/algo/container/soa_vector.hpp>

Detailed Description

template<eve::product_type Type, eve::simd_allocator Allocator = eve::aligned_allocator<unsigned char, eve::fixed<64>>>
class eve::algo::soa_vector< Type, Allocator >

Required header: #include <eve/memory/soa_vector.hpp>

soa_vector is a container similar to std::vector but optimized to store [product types](eve::product_type) using a Structure Of Array layout compatible with SIMD processing.

Template Parameters
TypeValue type stored inside eve::soa_vector

Public Types

Member types
using value_type = Type
 Type of data stored in the container.
using iterator = decltype(views::convert(storage_type{}.data(), as< value_type >{}))
 Iterator over the the stored Type.
using const_iterator = decltype(views::convert(std::declval< storage_type const >().data(), as< value_type >{}))
 Const iterator over the the stored Type.
using iterator_aligned = decltype(views::convert(storage_type{}.data_aligned(), as< value_type >{}))
 Iterator over the the stored Type using aligned data.
using const_iterator_aligned = decltype(views::convert(std::declval< storage_type const >().data_aligned(), as< value_type >{}))
 Const iterator over the the stored Type using aligned data.
using pointer = iterator
 Pointer to a eve::algo::views::zip_iterator over fields.
using const_pointer = const_iterator
 Const pointer to a eve::algo::views::zip_iterator over fields.
using pointer_aligned = iterator_aligned
 Aligned pointer to a eve::algo::views::zip_iterator over fields.
using const_pointer_aligned = const_iterator_aligned
 Const aligned pointer to a eve::algo::views::zip_iterator over fields.
using size_type = std::size_t
 Size type.

Public Member Functions

 soa_vector (Allocator a)
 Constructs an empty container with a custom Allocator.
 soa_vector ()
 Constructs an empty container.
 soa_vector (size_type n, Allocator a)
 Constructs the container with n default-inserted instances of Type and a custom Allocator.
 soa_vector (size_type n)
 Constructs the container with n default-inserted instances of Type.
 soa_vector (no_init_t, size_type n, Allocator a)
 Constructs the container with n default-inserted instances of Type and a custom Allocator.
 soa_vector (no_init_t, size_type n)
 Constructs the container with n default-inserted instances of Type.
 soa_vector (size_type n, value_type v, Allocator a)
 Constructs the container with n copies of elements with value value and a custom Allocator.
 soa_vector (size_type n, value_type v)
 Constructs the container with n copies of elements with value value.
 soa_vector (std::initializer_list< Type > l, Allocator a)
 Constructs the container with the contents of the initializer list l.
 soa_vector (std::initializer_list< Type > l)
 Constructs the container with the contents of the initializer list l.
size_type size () const noexcept
 Returns the number of elements in the container.
size_type capacity () const noexcept
 Returns the number of elements that the container has currently allocated space for.
void shrink_to_fit ()
 Requests the removal of unused capacity.
bool empty () const noexcept
 Checks if the container has no elements.
void reserve (size_type n)
 Increase the capacity of the vector to a value that's greater or equal to n.
Element access
auto data_aligned ()
 Returns a zipped aligned pointer to the beginning.
auto data_aligned () const
 Returns a zipped aligned pointer to the beginning.
auto data ()
 Returns a zipped pointer to the beginning.
auto data () const
 Returns a constant zipped pointer to the beginning.
value_type get (size_type i) const
 Returns the value of the ith element of the container.
void set (size_type i, value_type const &v)
 Modify the value of the ith element of the container.
void fill (value_type v)
 Fill the soa_vector with a given value.
auto begin_aligned () -> iterator_aligned
 Returns an aligned iterator to the beginning.
auto begin_aligned () const -> const_iterator_aligned
 Returns an aligned iterator to the beginning.
auto cbegin_aligned () const -> const_iterator_aligned
 Returns a constant aligned iterator to the beginning.
auto begin () -> iterator
 Returns an iterator to the beginning.
auto begin () const -> const_iterator
 Returns an iterator to the beginning.
auto cbegin () const -> const_iterator
 Returns a constant iterator to the beginning.
auto end () -> iterator
 Returns an iterator to the end.
auto end () const -> const_iterator
 Returns an iterator to the end.
auto cend () const -> const_iterator
 Returns a constant iterator to the end.


Comparisons and ordering
bool operator== (soa_vector const &lhs, soa_vector const &rhs)
 Checks if the contents of lhs and rhs are equal.
bool operator!= (soa_vector const &lhs, soa_vector const &rhs)
 Checks if the contents of lhs and rhs are not equal.


void clear ()
 Clear the contents of the container.
iterator erase (const_iterator pos)
 Removes an element from the container.
iterator erase (const_iterator f, const_iterator l)
 Removes the elements in the range [first, last)
void push_back (value_type const &value) noexcept
 Appends the given element value to the end of the container.
void pop_back () noexcept
 Removes the last element of the container.
void resize (size_type n, value_type value)
 Resizes the container to contain count elements.
void resize (size_type n)
 Resizes the current eve::soa_vector to a new size.
void swap (soa_vector &other) noexcept
 Exchanges the contents of the container with those of other.
Allocator get_allocator ()
 Retrieves an instance of the current allocator.
void swap (soa_vector &lhs, soa_vector &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of lhs and rhs by calling lhs.swap(rhs).