No Matches
Handling Multiple Architecture Targets

The Issue

The EVE library uses compile-time code generation process to ensure a high-level of performance. However, there can be many reasons why your application or library might run on unknown systems. Thus, you may want to be able to write your SIMD kernel once and yet be able to adapt to your end-user's hardware.

A first solution could be to just recompile a given kernel with different architecture settings and link everything. Then, at runtime, use eve::is_supported to choose the correct implementation between the available ones. However, in attempting to solve the problem in this way, you'll face issues as the core of EVE is based on templated callable object, you may end up violating the One Definition Rule and end up with a binary containing the incorrect symbols and implementations.

From static to dynamic dispatch

A more successful approach is to isolate the various versions of a given kernel into separate dynamic libraries. In this case, no multiple definition can happen. This means to use dynamic libraries to store your code and dynamic loading.

Dynamic loading in itself is a large topic mostly due to its OS specific components so a good read on the subject is maybe in order. Once you are acquainted with dynamic loading, let's start building our own SIMD dynamic system.

Writing the kernel

Let's write a small function that will consume a pointer to a data block containing float values and the size of the data block to process. Inside this kernel, we'll use some algorithms to vectorise this process.

#include <eve/module/algo.hpp>
#include <eve/module/core.hpp>
#include <eve/wide.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <span>
extern "C" void compute_kernel(float* data, std::size_t size)
std::cout << ">> compute with: " << eve::current_api << "\n";
std::cout << ">> eve::wide is: " << eve::wide<float>::size() << " elements large.\n";
eve::algo::transform_inplace( std::span{data,size}
, [](auto e) { return eve::sqrt(e + e * 3); }
constexpr auto transform_inplace
same as;
Definition transform.hpp:72
static constexpr size_type size() noexcept
Size of the wide in number of lanes.
Definition wide.hpp:405

The code breaks down this way:

  • We start by including all the necessary include files for the algorithms, functions and types we will use.
  • We define the compute_kernel function. This function takes a pointer and a size as parameters and is declared extern "C" to prevent unwanted C++ mangling of the symbol. This is typical for dynamic libraries.
  • Inside compute_kernel, we display some information about the SIMD API we are using and proceed to the computation. As a quick way to handle the data, we pass a std::span to our algorithm.

Nothing special is required except for the extern "C" attribute. If we want to get around this limitation and have a function taking arbitrary C++ types as parameters, there are different strategies. One such strategy is to use the mangled name to export a function returning an array or structure containing all the pre-computed functions pointers from the .so library.

Writing the dynamic function hub

We now need to write an actual compute function that our users will call. This is the place where most of the OS-dependent code will be written. The example we give is made to work on Linux. For a more OS-independent way to handle dynamic loading, you can have a look at libltdl or use your preferred OS API.

The code looks like this:

#include <eve/forward.hpp>
#include <eve/arch/detection.hpp>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <span>
#include <sstream>
#include <unistd.h>
auto load_kernel()
// Load the dynamic library
static auto selector = []()
void* handle = nullptr;
if(!handle && eve::is_supported(eve::avx2) ) handle = dlopen("./libcompute_perfect.so" , RTLD_NOW);
if(!handle && eve::is_supported(eve::sse4_1)) handle = dlopen("./libcompute_advanced.so", RTLD_NOW);
if(!handle && eve::is_supported(eve::sse2) ) handle = dlopen("./libcompute_basic.so" , RTLD_NOW);
return handle;
return selector;
void compute(std::span<float> data)
// Fetch the function pointer from its symbol
static auto impl = [](auto h)
using func_t = void (*)(float*, std::size_t);
func_t f = h ? (func_t)(dlsym(h, "compute_kernel")) : nullptr;
return f;
// Call the actual implementation
impl(data.data(), data.size());

What is going on inside compute ?

  • load_kernel opens the correct dynamic library depending on the actual SIMD support detected at runtime via eve::is_supported. Notice the names of the .so files, we will go back to those afterward but understand that they are arbitrary. To do so, we use Immediately Invoked Lambda Expressions to perform this initialisation.
  • Next, we load the compute_kernel symbol from the handle we just loaded. As opening and fetching pointer to symbol can be costly, we will make it so those tasks are done once by storing both results in static variables.
  • Once everything is loaded and setup, we call the function pointer with the appropriate parameters.

Obviously, in realistic settings you would actually care about runtime issues, check that every pointer are non-null, and use functions like dlerror to find out what would have caused an issue. This is left as an exercice for the reader.

Compiling and Using Dynamic Kernels

The next part is much more down-to-earth. We need to compile the kernel function inside multiple dynamic libraries with different set of options. Then, we need to compile the main binary. To simplify this process, EVE provides a CMake function named eve_build_variants that you can access directly when using find_package or that can be included manually in your CMake after installing the library via include(eve-multiarch).

Its synopsis is:

eve_build_variants( NAME <name>
TARGET <target suffix>...
OPTIONS <architecture specific options>...
[INTERFACE] <name>
SOURCES <source files>...

eve_build_variants adds multiple dynamic libraries targets for compiling the source file specified via SOURCES. The generated target will be named by combining the NAME and each of the TARGET suffix. For each suffixes, the corresponding options will be used from [OPTIONS].

Optionally, you can pass an INTERFACE name to be used for compiling each of the targets. Optionally, the QUIET flag will remove error messages.

Once called, eve_build_variantssets up a variable in the current scope named eve_${NAME}_variants that contains the list of target building the shared libraries. It can be used to setup dependencies.

Let's say we want to compile our kernel for SSE2, SSE4.1 and AVX2. The CMake code will be looking like:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18)
project(eve-multi-arch LANGUAGES CXX)
find_package(eve CONFIG REQUIRED)
add_library(setup INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(setup INTERFACE eve::eve)
target_compile_options(setup INTERFACE "-O3")
eve_build_variants( NAME compute
TARGET basic advanced perfect
OPTIONS "-msse2" "-msse4.1" "-march=haswell"
SOURCES kernel.cpp
add_executable(multi-arch main.cpp compute.cpp)
add_dependencies(multi-arch ${eve_compute_variants})
target_link_libraries(multi-arch PUBLIC setup ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS})

Let's get into the details:

  • After the classical CMake basics, we use find_package to grab EVE. Depending on your EVE installation path, you may have to specify CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH for CMake to find it.
  • We define an INTERFACE library that use the main EVE interface and add some customisation.
  • We call eve_build_variants to build a set of targets. The base name will be compute and there are three different target suffixes: basic, advanced, perfect. For each of those, the following options will be used: -msse2, -msse4.1, -march=haswell. Each target is compiled with its corresponding options. In the end, we expect three libraries to be compiled: libcompute_basic.so, libcompute_advanced.so, and libcompute_perfect.so. Notice how the suffixes are arbitrary. They just need to correspond to any naming scheme you see fit and those names will have to be used in the dynamic loading function.
  • To perform this compilation, we use the setup interface we customized earlier.
  • We add our executable target that just compiles a main file and the compute function. To be sure we don't forget to compile the libraries when we compile the main executable, we use the exported eve_compute_variants macro that contains the list of targets created by eve_build_variants. Because we use dlopen, we need to link with the appropriate library which is conveniently provided by CMAKE_DL_LIBS.

That's all. Once generated, this CMake file will let you compile the multi-arch target that will trigger the compilation of the three libraries. Once compiled, the execution of the multi-arch executable will produce some output:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 10000
>> compute with: X86 AVX2 (with FMA3 support)
>> eve::wide is: 8 elements large.
2 2.82843 3.4641 4 4.47214 4.89898 5.2915 5.65685 6.32456 8.94427 10.9545 12.6491 14.1421 15.4919 16.7332 17.8885 18.9737 20 63.2456 200

The complete project is available as in the examples/multi-arch folder. As an exercise, try to modify the code to handle AVX512 and check everything still works.


Handling multiple architecture within a single application is not trivial. It requires some scaffolding, much of those being provided by EVE itself at both the CMake and C++ level.