No Matches

In the previous tutorial, we managed to convert a sequential function into a function using SIMD types and functions. In general, such function is meant to be applied to a large set of data instead of a single register.

As for usual sequential computation, we want to lift ourselves from raw loops and think using algorithms. EVE provides such ready-to-use SIMD aware algorithms and this tutorial will take a look at how to handle them.

Initial problem

Let's try to apply our sequential conversion function over data stored in std::vector using standard algorithms.

#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
namespace scalar
auto all_rhos(std::vector<float> const& xs, std::vector<float> const& ys)
std::vector<float> out(xs.size());
std::transform( xs.begin(), xs.end(), ys.begin(), out.begin()
, [](float x, float y) { return std::hypot(x, y); }
return out;

Nothing really special here, we apply a given function over some float stored in a vector. Since C++20, you may be accustomed to the range-based version of this code:

#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
namespace scalar
auto all_rhos_range(std::vector<float> const& xs, std::vector<float> const& ys)
std::vector<float> out(xs.size());
std::ranges::transform( xs, ys, out.begin()
, [](float x, float y) { return std::hypot(x, y); }
return out;

Very similar code, except for the fact the input data are passed directly without using iterators.

Toward SIMD Algorithms

We can turn this range-based code into a SIMD-aware call to one of the algorithms defined in eve::algo. All algorithms in EVE are range-based thus simplifying the transition from code using standard algorithms.

#include <vector>
#include <eve/module/math.hpp>
#include <eve/module/algo.hpp>
namespace simd
auto all_rhos(std::vector<float> const& xs, std::vector<float> const& ys)
std::vector<float> out(xs.size());
eve::algo::transform_to ( eve::views::zip(xs, ys), out
, [](auto xy)
return eve::hypot(get<0>(xy), get<1>(xy));
return out;

Let's unpack all the new components:

  • the SIMD algorithm used here is eve::algo::transform_to not just eve::algo::transform. This is due to the fact that discriminating operation between two distinct ranges and in-place operations leads to better code generation and performances. If you need to perform in-place computation, you can replace eve::algo::transform_to by eve::algo::transform_inplace, its in-place variant.
  • eve::algo::transform_to takes a single input range. To pass multiple parallel ranges, we use eve::views::zip that constructs a view over them.
  • as we consume a zipped range, the data passed to the lambda function behaves like a tuple. We will dive into details of this tuple later but for now just remember you can retrieve the data member exactly like with a regular tuple (using get or structured bindings).

Tuning algorithms

In SIMD algorithms we by default assume that the provided operation is simple (a few instructions), since this is the common case. This means we use aligned reads and do unrolling, which is an important optimisation. However, for a complex case, like here, it is beneficial to opt out.

EVE provides various traits to customize algorithms behavior. The traits we're interested in are:

  • eve::algo::expensive_callable - let's EVE know that the passed callable is fairly large. By default EVE will assume that the passed callables are cheap and it will align loads/stores, and unroll the loop body. There are also individual eve::algo::no_aligning, eve::algo::unrolling
  • eve::algo::allow_frequency_scaling - tells EVE to use the maximum avaliable register size even if it can substentially temporary reduce processor's frequency. This only makes sense for really big arrays or if you spend most of your time doing simd operations. (At the moment this is only relevant for avx512). More details in frequency-scaling tutorial.

Algorithms in EVE being callable object, you can apply traits using their [] operators. For example, the following code let's EVE know that the loop body is heavy.

#include <vector>
#include <eve/module/math.hpp>
#include <eve/module/algo.hpp>
namespace simd::unrolled
auto all_rhos(std::vector<float> const& xs, std::vector<float> const& ys)
std::vector<float> out(xs.size());
( eve::views::zip(xs, ys), out
, [](auto xy)
return eve::hypot(get<0>(xy), get<1>(xy));
return out;

Best strategy is always to benchmark your code and tune algorithms accordingly.

Note that this kind of tuning is not reserved to algorithms. The callable eve::hypot can also be tuned (here as eve::hypot[eve::pedantic]) to enforce some behaviors regarding accuracy or standard compliance).


In this tutorial, we managed to:

  • use a simple algorithm from EVE algorithms set
  • use a range view to handle multiple inputs into our algorithm
  • work with SIMD tuple of data
  • tune algorithm using traits

In the next tutorial, we will complete this exercise by demonstrating how to use all elements seen this far to work directly on user-defined types.