No Matches

Detailed Description

These functions allows performing trigonometric computations

All trigonometric functions exists in three flavors for parameters being radian, degrees or \(\pi\) multiples.

Moreover each function can be decorated with eve::quarter_circle, eve:half_circle, eve::full_circle, eve::medium, eve::big.

Note that these decorator only work for floating real values.


constexpr auto eve::arg = functor<arg_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the phase angle (in radians).
constexpr auto eve::cos = functor<cos_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the cosine.
constexpr auto eve::cosd = functor<cosd_t>
 elementwise_callable object object computing cosine from an input in degrees.
constexpr auto eve::cospi = functor<cospi_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the cosine from an input in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr auto eve::cot = functor<cot_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the cotangent of the input.
constexpr auto eve::cotd = functor<cotd_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the cotangent from an input in degrees.
constexpr auto eve::cotpi = functor<cotpi_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the cotangent from an input in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr auto eve::csc = functor<csc_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the cosecant of the input.
constexpr auto eve::cscd = functor<cscd_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the cosecant from an input in degree.
constexpr auto eve::cscpi = functor<cscpi_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the cosecant in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr auto eve::deginrad = functor<deginrad_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the product of the input by \(\pi/180\).
constexpr auto eve::div_180 = functor<div_180_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the product of the input by \(1/180\).
constexpr auto eve::quadrant = functor<quadrant_t>
 Callable object computing the quadrant value.
constexpr auto eve::radindeg = functor<radindeg_t>
 elementwise_callable object multiplying the input by \(180/\pi\).
constexpr auto eve::radinpi = functor<radinpi_t>
 elementwise_callable object multiplying the input by \(1/\pi\).
constexpr auto eve::rempio2 = functor<rempio2_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the remainder of the division by \(\pi/2\).
constexpr auto eve::sec = functor<sec_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the secant of the input.
constexpr auto eve::secd = functor<secd_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the secant from an input in degree.
constexpr auto eve::secpi = functor<secpi_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing secant from an input in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr auto eve::sin = functor<sin_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the sine.
constexpr auto eve::sinc = functor<sinc_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the sine cardinal.
constexpr auto eve::sincos = functor<sincos_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the simultaneous computation of sine an cosine.
constexpr auto eve::sind = functor<sind_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the sine from an input in degrees.
constexpr auto eve::sindcosd = functor<sindcosd_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the simultaneous computation of sine an cosine from an argument in degrees.
constexpr auto eve::sinpi = functor<sinpi_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the sine from an input in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr auto eve::sinpic = functor<sinpic_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the normalized cardinal sine.
constexpr auto eve::sinpicospi = functor<sinpicospi_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the simultaneous computation of sin an cos from an argument in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr auto eve::tan = functor<tan_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the tangent.
constexpr auto eve::tand = functor<tand_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the tangent from an input in degrees.
constexpr auto eve::tanpi = functor<tanpi_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the tangent from an input in \(\pi\) multiples.
constexpr full_circle_type const eve::full_circle = {}
 Higher-order Callable Object imbuing a limited range semantic onto other Callable Objects.
constexpr quarter_circle_type const eve::quarter_circle = {}
 Higher-order Callable Object imbuing a limited range semantic onto other Callable Objects.
constexpr half_circle_type const eve::half_circle = {}
 Higher-order Callable Object imbuing a limited range standard semantic onto other Callable Objects.