No Matches

Detailed Description

These functions allows performing exponential computations


constexpr auto eve::cbrt = functor<cbrt_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the cubic root.
constexpr auto eve::exp = functor<exp_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing \(e^x\).
constexpr auto eve::exp10 = functor<exp10_t>
 Callable object computing \(10^x\).
constexpr auto eve::exp2 = functor<exp2_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing \(2^x\).
constexpr auto eve::expm1 = functor<expm1_t>
 Callable object computing \(e^x-1\).
constexpr auto eve::expmx2 = functor<expmx2_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing \(e^{-x^2}\).
constexpr auto eve::expx2 = functor<expx2_t>
 Callable object computing \(e^{x^2}\).
constexpr auto eve::geommean = functor<geommean_t>
 Callable object computing the geometric mean of the inputs. \( \left(\prod_{i = 1}^n x_i\right)^{1/n} \).
constexpr auto eve::hypot = functor<hypot_t>
 tuple_callable computing the \(l_2\) norm of its inputs.
constexpr auto eve::lpnorm = functor<lpnorm_t>
 strict_elementwise_callable object computing the lpnorm operation \( \left(\sum_{i = 0}^n |x_i|^p\right)^{\frac1p} \).
constexpr auto eve::nthroot = functor<nthroot_t>
 Callable object computing the nth root: \(x^{1/n}\).
constexpr auto eve::pow = functor<pow_t>
 Callable object computing the pow operation \(x^y\).
constexpr auto eve::pow1p = functor<pow1p_t>
 Callable object computing pow1p: \((1+x)^y\).
constexpr auto eve::pow_abs = functor<pow_abs_t>
 Callable object computing the pow_abs function \(|x|^y\).
constexpr auto eve::powm1 = functor<powm1_t>
 Callable object computing powm1: \(x^y-1\).
constexpr auto eve::significants = functor<significants_t>
 Computes the rounding to n significants digits of the first input.