No Matches

Detailed Description

Operations returning logical values

Mind that in SIMD context these functions DO NOT return boolean but logical values that is an internal representation of a vector of truth values that can be handled by the function of the previous section (core_logical).


constexpr auto eve::compare_absolute = functor<compare_absolute_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the absolute value of the first parameters satisfy the predicate parameters.
constexpr auto eve::is_bit_equal = functor<is_bit_equal_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element bits are all equal.
constexpr auto eve::is_denormal = functor<is_denormal_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is denormal
constexpr auto eve::is_eqmz = functor<is_eqmz_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is a floating zero with sign bit set.
constexpr auto eve::is_eqpz = functor<is_eqpz_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is a floating zero with signbit unset.
constexpr auto eve::is_equal = functor<is_equal_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element values are equal.
constexpr auto eve::is_eqz = functor<is_eqz_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is zero.
constexpr auto eve::is_even = functor<is_even_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is even.
constexpr auto eve::is_finite = functor<is_finite_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element is a finite value
constexpr auto eve::is_flint = functor<is_flint_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is a floating value representing an integer
constexpr auto eve::is_gez = functor<is_gez_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is greater or equal to 0.
constexpr auto eve::is_greater = functor<is_greater_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value of the first parameter is greater than the second one.
constexpr auto eve::is_greater_equal = functor<is_greater_equal_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value of the first parameter is greater or equal to the second one.
constexpr auto eve::is_gtz = functor<is_gtz_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is greater than 0.
constexpr auto eve::is_infinite = functor<is_infinite_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element is an infinite value
constexpr auto eve::is_less = functor<is_less_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value of the first parameter is less than the second one.
constexpr auto eve::is_less_equal = functor<is_less_equal_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value of the first parameter is less or equal to the second one.
constexpr auto eve::is_lessgreater = functor<is_lessgreater_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the elements pair are not equal or unordered.
constexpr auto eve::is_lez = functor<is_lez_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is less or equal to 0.
constexpr auto eve::is_ltz = functor<is_ltz_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is less than 0.
constexpr auto eve::is_minf = functor<is_minf_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element is a negative infinite value
constexpr auto eve::is_nan = functor<is_nan_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is NaN
constexpr auto eve::is_negative = functor<is_negative_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is signed and has its sign bit set
constexpr auto eve::is_nemz = functor<is_nemz_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if a "negative" zero.
constexpr auto eve::is_nepz = functor<is_nepz_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if "positive" zero.
constexpr auto eve::is_nez = functor<is_nez_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is not zero.
constexpr auto eve::is_ngez = functor<is_ngez_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is not greater or equal to 0.
constexpr auto eve::is_ngtz = functor<is_ngtz_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is not greater than zero.
constexpr auto eve::is_nlez = functor<is_nlez_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is not less or equal to 0.
constexpr auto eve::is_nltz = functor<is_nltz_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is not less than zero.
constexpr auto eve::is_normal = functor<is_normal_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is normal.
constexpr auto eve::is_not_denormal = functor<is_not_denormal_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is not denormal.
constexpr auto eve::is_not_equal = functor<is_not_equal_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element values are not equal.
constexpr auto eve::is_not_finite = functor<is_not_finite_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element is not a finite value
constexpr auto eve::is_not_flint = functor<is_not_flint_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is a floating value not representing an integer
constexpr auto eve::is_not_greater = functor<is_not_greater_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value of the first parameter is not greater than the second one.
constexpr auto eve::is_not_greater_equal = functor<is_not_greater_equal_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value of the first parameter is greater or equal to the second one.
constexpr auto eve::is_not_infinite = functor<is_not_infinite_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element is not an infinite value
constexpr auto eve::is_not_less = functor<is_not_less_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value of the first parameter is not less than the second one.
constexpr auto eve::is_not_less_equal = functor<is_not_less_equal_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value of the first parameter is not less or equal to the second one.
constexpr auto eve::is_not_nan = functor<is_not_nan_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is not NaN
constexpr auto eve::is_odd = functor<is_odd_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is odd.
constexpr auto eve::is_ordered = functor<is_ordered_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only no parameter is NaN.
constexpr auto eve::is_pinf = functor<is_pinf_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element is a positive infinite value
constexpr auto eve::is_positive = functor<is_positive_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is signed and has its sign bit not set
constexpr auto eve::is_pow2 = functor<is_pow2_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is a power of 2.
constexpr auto eve::is_unit = functor<is_unit_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if the element value is zero.
constexpr auto eve::is_unordered = functor<is_unordered_t>
 elementwise callable returning a logical true if and only if at least one of the parameters is NaN.