No Matches
Accuracy helpers

Detailed Description

These functions allows performing some basic arithmetics operations with greater accuracy even when a truly upgraded type is not available.

diff_of_prod, fast_two_add, sum_of_prod, three_fma, two_add, two_prod, .


constexpr auto eve::diff_of_prod = functor<diff_of_prod_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the difference of products operation with better accuracy than the naive formula.
constexpr auto eve::fast_two_add = functor<fast_two_add_t>
 Computes the elementwise pair of add and error,.
constexpr auto eve::sum_of_prod = functor<sum_of_prod_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the sum of products operation with better accuracy than the naive formula.
constexpr auto eve::three_fma = functor<three_fma_t>
 Computes the elementwise triplet of an fma value f and two errors e1 and e2 such that \(ax+y = f+r_1+r_2\).
constexpr auto eve::two_add = functor<two_add_t>
 Computes the elementwise pair of sum and error,.
constexpr auto eve::two_prod = functor<two_prod_t>
 Computes the elementwise pair of product and error,.