No Matches
Combinatorial functions

Detailed Description

This module provides implementation for scalar and SIMD versions of combinatorial functions and related operations.

Convenience header:

#include <eve/module/combinatorial.hpp>


constexpr auto eve::bernouilli = functor<bernouilli_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the nth Bernouilli number \(b_n\) as a double.
constexpr auto eve::fibonacci = functor<fibonacci_t>
 Computes the nth element of the Fibonacci sequence \((f_i)_{i\in \mathbb{N}}\).
constexpr auto eve::gcd = functor<gcd_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the greatest common divisor of the inputs.
constexpr auto eve::lcm = functor<lcm_t>
 elementwise_callable object computing the least common multiple of the inputs.
constexpr auto eve::nth_prime = functor<nth_prime_t>
 Returns the nth prime number.
constexpr auto eve::prime_ceil = functor<prime_ceil_t>
 strict_elementwise_callable object computing the smallest prime greater or equal to the input.
constexpr auto eve::prime_floor = functor<prime_floor_t>
 strict_elementwise_callable object computing the greatest prime less or equal to the input.