No Matches
Concepts List
Here is a list of all documented concepts with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NeveEVE Main Namespace
 Rwide_cardinalConcept to determine if this is cardinal type of a wide
 Rconditional_exprSpecifies that a type is a Conditional Expression
 Rrelative_conditional_exprSpecifies that a type is a Conditional Expression using relative mask
 Rirregular_predicateStd::predicate but doesn't require regularity
 Rmatch_optionChecks if the type associated to a given Keyword in a Option pack is equal to Type
 Ronly_ifChecks if the type is one of the Choices
 Rplain_scalar_valueSpecify that a type represents a plain scalar value
 Rlogical_scalar_valueSpecify that a type represents a logical scalar value
 Rproduct_scalar_valueSpecify that a type represents a product type made of scalars
 Rarithmetic_scalar_valueSpecify that a type represents a type suitable for vectorization
 Rscalar_valueSpecify that a type represents a scalar value
 Rlogical_simd_valueSpecify that a type represents a logical SIMD value
 Rintegral_scalar_valueSpecify that a type represents an integral scalar value
 Rsigned_scalar_valueSpecify that a type represents a signed scalar value
 Runsigned_scalar_valueSpecify that a type represents a scalar value
 Rsigned_integral_scalar_valueSpecify that a type represents a scalar value
 Rfloating_scalar_valueSpecify that a type represents a scalar value
 Rsimd_valueSpecifies that a type a SIMD type
 Rintegral_simd_valueSpecifies that a type a SIMD type with integral elements
 Rsigned_simd_valueSpecifies that a type a SIMD type with signed elements
 Runsigned_simd_valueSpecifies that a type a SIMD type with unsigned elements
 Rsigned_integral_simd_valueSpecifies that a type a SIMD type with signed integral elements
 Rfloating_simd_valueSpecifies that a type a SIMD type with signed integral elements
 Rhas_store_equivalentConcept, tests store_equivalent has a non-default definition for a value and a pointer
 Rpattern_formulaWhat callable can be a pattern formula
 Rcallable_objectEVE callable object
 RlikeSpecifies semantic compatibility between wrapper/wrapped types